buying Lithography (icon) of Saint Vladimir of Kiev with real gold leaf in MDF.
Icon weight & size : 32x24cm. ~ 1150gr
Saint Vladimir was born in 958 AD. and was the son of the ruler of Kiev Sviatoslav I and grandson of Saint Olga who took over his upbringing. In 980 AD he was proclaimed ruler of the Russians, after first dethroning his brother Yaropolk. Initially he was a fanatical pagan but he was persuaded to embrace the Christian faith and received Holy Baptism in 988 AD., at the urging of Saint Olga.
As soon as he was baptized a Christian, Vladimir changed his way of life and decided to walk in piety. He married Princess Anne, sister of Emperor Basil II of Bulgaria, and ruled his country with justice. He tore down the idols that existed in his homeland and baptized his compatriots as Christians. He remained on the throne of Russia for 35 years and died peacefully in 1015 AD. The Orthodox Christian Church commemorates him on July 15 of each year.
Apolytikion of Saint Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles
Fourth Tone
Thou wast like a merchant who seeketh a goodly pearl, O glorious Sovereign Vladimir, sitting on the height of the throne of the mother of cities, God-protected Kiev. Searching and sending to the imperial city to know the Orthodox Faith, thou didst find Christ, the priceless Pearl, Who chose thee as a second Paul, and Who did shake off thy spiritual and bodily blindness in the holy font. Wherefore, we who are thy people celebrate thy falling asleep. Pray that thy land of Russia be saved, and that Orthodox people be granted peace and great mercy.
Product code: Saint Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles and Evangelist Handmade buying Icon Gold Leaves plated